Pacific Feminist Forum

1st Pacific Feminist Forum 2016

The inaugural Pacific Feminist Forum was held from the 28th–30th of November, 2016 at the University of the Pacific in Suva, Fiji.

Over 100 feminists from the Pacific region gathered for the 3 day event and acknowledged, recognised and celebrated our achievements within a collective space.

Pacific Feminists have represented the region at various high-level meetings both regionally and internationally and successfully influenced those spaces in terms of networking, strategizing and developing strong alliances with fellow activists worldwide. 

However it is important that activists from this region are provided the space to re-energize themselves for transformative change within the Pacific.

Amasai Jeke
    Amasai Jeke


    The [Pacific Feminist Forum] was [eye-opening] for me as it was my first regional meeting and it was filled with so much diversity and inclusion where uncomfortable conversations took place so that the movement became stronger and to build on bridges.

    Mamta Chand
      Mamta Chand


      The most impactful part of PFF was having the opportunity to be in the space with diverse Pacific feminists. In addition, as a young feminist of color and of Girmit descent, it was critical to have that representation whereby my lived realities had a voice

      Ender Rence
        Ender Rence

        Solomon Islands

        During the Pacific Feminist Forum, I met and made new friends and expanded my network regionally and also internationally so it’s a safe space where women human rights defenders get to sit together in person and discuss the achievement challenges.

        Elodie Nimisa
          Elodie Nimisa


          I took back from the [Pacific Feminist] Forum a sense of belonging, a sense of not being alone but having solidarity from other feminists, sharing the same or similar stories and learning from each other.”

          Filomena Tuivanualevu
            Filomena Tuivanualevu


            I think that the [Pacific Feminist Forum] was a great space for many things, one of them being to simply share space, and build solidarity among Pacific sistas.

            Donna Makini
              Donna Makini

              Solomon Islands

              The [Pacific Feminist Forum was] a first eye opener for me and gave me the opportunity to witness and learn about intergenerational leadership, the journey of women’s/young women’s organizations and indigenous organizations from the past until present.

              Jane Alver
                Jane Alver


                One particularly impactful session was youth-lead by very young girls – some as young as 12 and 13. Talk about living your value of inclusion and empowerment! They were confident, organised, creative facilitators.

                 Jay Nasilasila
                  Jay Nasilasila


                  The most impactful part of the [Pacific Feminist] Forum for me was the intergenerational leadership conversation that helps us as young Feminist individuals in bridging the gap, amongst the different work that we do in our communities.

                  Anne Pakoa
                    Anne Pakoa


                    My take away from the 2016 Pacific Feminist Forum was ‘ensuring gender equality’ is respecting each other’s spaces whatever lifestyles they may have, their choice to be who they wish to be and how they live their lives…

                    The forum also identified challenges and we rearticulated a shared vision, shared strategies, built new and strengthened old alliances and further defined our shared politics.

                    The Pacific Feminist Forum served as a central location to Pacific feminist activists who are often unable to meet with and draw inspiration from each other’s perspectives, energies and experiences due to lack of opportunity.

                    The challenge is the geographical divide and socio-economic realities of 22 developing island states. Pacific feminism faces a unique hardship of continuous engagement and solidified efforts as access to resources are scarce, with islands so distant, making physical solidarity difficult, but also an isolation of feminists separated by the world’s largest ocean.

                    The Pacific feminist movement therefore is one going against the current, as advocates and activists forge through the vast Pacific territory to consolidate works and push a Pacific development agenda to the forefront of global progress plans.The creation of the Charter of Pacific Feminist Principles was a key outcome of the PFF and set out collective principles that will guide our work as feminists within the region.

                    Launch of the Pacific Feminists Charter for Change

                    Release Date: 30/11/2016

                    The 2016 Pacific Feminist Charter was launched at the Pacific Feminist Forum at the University of the South Pacific today.

                    The outcomes document titled ‘Pacific Feminists Charter for Change’ reflected the issues raised during the three days of discussions.

                    Fiji Women’s Rights Movement Michelle Reddy said developing the charter was an enriching experience for a lot of participants, who had a chance to hear about the different issues from around the region.

                    “It’s been a historic moment bringing over a hundred feminists from Fiji and 12 other Pacific Island countries together, to a space of vibrant discussions where we’re able to talk about issues that we face in the Pacific.

                    ”Miki Wali of the Haus of Khameleon said the document captures Pacific feminist perspectives and priorities.

                    “It talks about our diversities, who we are, the multiple intersecting forms of violence that we are facing in the Pacific. It’s a process where we were able to tell our stories and inform everyone, those with authority, about our challenges.

                    ”Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality Noelene Nabulivou said the charter documented the voices of Pacific Feminists to map out effective processes in furthering gender equality and women’s human rights in the Pacific.

                    “During the process of developing the charter, we found that women across the Pacific are really interested in universal human rights, social economic and ecological justice. It’s not just about women and girls but about equity and fairness for everyone.

                    ”Pacific Young Women Leadership Alliance member Yoshiko Capelle said, “We’re only going to move forward. It’s great to have a strong feminist movement that supports and encourages young women in the Pacific who are still trying to find their journey.”


                    Stage set for Inaugural Pacific Feminist Forum

                    Release Date: 06/09/2016

                    Feminists and women’s human rights defenders from across the region will gather, specifically as Pacific Islanders, for the first time at the University of the South Pacific (USP) Laucala Campus in Suva, Fiji as part of the Pacific Feminist Forum in November this year.

                    “This is an important forum, besides being the first of its kind, it will help mobilize and strengthen the women’s movement in the Pacific,” said Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) Acting Executive Director Michelle Reddy.

                    “Pacific feminists are always present at global spaces lobbying for issues important to us, but there has never been a space in our own region to engage and strengthen solidarity,” she said.

                    “The forum is a unique opportunity to come together and celebrate our achievements as well as learn from each other and build new relationships.

                    “This is in line with the overall PFF theme, “Mapping Journeys and Building Movements.” The 3-day forum will consist of a series of workshops aligned to the theme, plenaries open to the public and closed plenaries exclusively for PFF participants, information booths and market set-ups. Additionally, the forum dates fall on important milestones within the human rights calendar and for the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement itself.

                    “The forum takes place in November 28, 29, 30 which is part of the 16 Days of Activism,” said Reddy. “This is also especially important to us as it commemorates Women’s Human Rights Defenders Day and FWRM’s 30th anniversary.

                    “The Forum is set to bring together around 100 women and human rights activists from 22 island states including Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Republic of Marshall Islands, Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The forum is organised by the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement in partnership with Bold Alliance, Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality, Haus of Khameleon, the Pacific Young Women’s Leadership Alliance (PYWLA), International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA), the University of the South Pacific, UN Women, the Westpac Women’s Markets and FemLINKPACIFIC. This activity is supported through the We Rise 2 program, with the We Rise Coalition, and funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).



                    Highlights Video